Saturday, May 8, 2010

Friday, May 7, 2010

No Pain No Gain

all tattoo artists know that no matter how much work you would LIKE to do/get done, it all really depends on how well your client can sit. There are some clients that can sit for as long as you can sit to do the work -- I had a client who do could 5/6 hours in one shot no problem, and then you have the clients that can barely sit thru one line being blasted.

a client of mine wanted to give herself a well-deserved birthday present - a nice shoulder piece. she was able to make it thru just the linework itself:

!!!happy birthday!!!

to be continued...

In addition... phoenix + phlowers

an existing client of mine wanted to add-onto what she already has - the phoenix is obviously because we're in bird city (phoenix, az), but she also wanted to build upon it so it would become a piece that represents her family + her tribe, and of course remain delicate and feminine.

this is what we came up with:

stay tuned for the finished piece...

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Portrait - Owl

owls rock. so do hand pieces that are done well. the tops of hands are so damn hard cuz they're chock-full of wrinkles/veins/movement/etc. add a portrait-style piece on top of that and you get some serious work to put in.

i was happy to do so for my friend + client, Whodini:

whooooooooooooootie whoooooooo....

FiXiES + COVER-UP$: fear no man...

worked a lil' magic on this piece, reshaped an old tattoo to give it new life:

In addition... Blue Carnations

i guess word has gotten round that i'm a cover-up/addition specialist :X

she came in with the verse and wanted to add carnations behind it. 2 reasons why this piece kicks ass:

1) a first time for carnations

2) BLUE carnations?! hell yeah